The Swedish Corporate Governance Institute (SCGI) conducts applied corporate governance research and education from a law and economics perspective on how the regulatory framework and market practices effects business dynamics, ownership, entrepreneurship, innovation and investments in the real economy. The work is focused on topical legal and regulatory issues as well as legal and market practices relevant for Swedish listed companies and stock market. The Institute benefits from collaboration with an extensive Swedish and international network of academics and practitioners.
The Swedish Corporate Governance Institute, is a new part of the SCCL, and will function as a research panel for corporate governance.
The Swedish Corporate Governance Institute conducts applied research and education in the area of corporate governance from a law and economics perspective, with a focus on how the corporate governance regulatory framework and market practices influences business dynamics, entrepreneurship, innovation and investments in the real economy. Through theoretical and empirical research across the areas of law in combination with economics, accounting and business, often drawing on fundamental research in these fields, the work aims to be of direct practical relevance to listed companies, investors and policymakers.
Outreach and collaboration are other important features of the Institute, with the aim of giving 2–3 relevant and research-based seminars on topical corporate governance issues every term, directed at academics as well as those working in the corporate governance field. While these seminars are an important channel to spread the Institute’s research, it is also an important way to get input on the Institute’s work. The Institute also has a particularly active advisory board, consisting of leading academics and business leaders, which also plays a crucial role in keeping the Institute’s work relevant.
The Institute’s research and education benefits greatly from collaboration with an extensive network of academics and practitioners in Sweden and abroad, which enables the Institute to disseminate and inform about the process and rational behind the development of the Swedish corporate governance framework, and to keep track of the most important challenges in corporate governance.
The work by the SCGI is in its entirety made possible by the generous financial support of our partners, with whom the SCGI cooperates closely with in its activities and who helps the institute focus its research where it is most needed.
The SCGI is proud to partner with: