
New research panel is established

20 May, 2024|

At the last board meeting on 14 May 2024, it was decided to establish a new research panel at SCCL, Lawyers and Society. Many prominent law faculties around the world have programs, institutes, centers, or the like devoted to the study and support of various aspects of the legal profession. [...]

Award to Sara Göthlin

8 May, 2024|

Award to Sara Göthlin This year, the Insolvency Law Forum Foundation's Literature Prize went to one of our employees, LL.D. Sara Göthlin, for her doctoral dissertation Priority and Agreement – Intercreditor Agreement in Swedish Law, especially in Insolvency. She shared the prize with Markus Ehrenpil, LL.D. (Uppsala University), for [...]

Stockholm-Bonn Law Symposium 2024

10 April, 2024|

On April 10-12, 2024, 23 SCCL members visited Bonn to participate in the Stockholm-Bonn Law Symposium 2024. On the Bonn side, the event was organised and chaired by Professor Birke Häcker Director of the Institute for International and Comparative Private Law. On the Stockholm side, the management was in [...]

André Andersson receives the Swedish Bar Association’s award for outstanding contributions to the legal profession

27 October, 2023|

Since 2012, the Swedish Bar Association has awarded an annual prize for outstanding contributions to the legal profession. This year’s award has been given to André Andersson, Chairman of the SCCL and Senior Adviser at Mannheimer Swartling. He receives the award for, among other things, his commitment to and work [...]

Positive evaluation of SCCL

29 June, 2023|

According to Stockholm University's rules for centres, the activities of a centre must be evalu-ated at least every six years. On 31 August 2022, Professor Ellen Eftestøl was appointed re-viewer of SCCL. On 23 March 2023, she submitted her report to the Board of Human Scienc-es. On 29 June 2023, [...]

Stina Bratt has been awarded the Sven Unger Company Law Scholarship

20 June, 2023|

In memory of former partner Sven Unger and his contributions, both to the firm and to company law doctrine, Mannheimer Swartling announced a one year post-doctoral research scholarship in company law in cooperation with the Swedish Corporate Governance Institute. At a meeting on 2 June 2023, the award committee [...]

Professor Dr Birke Häcker has been awarded an honorary doctorate at the Faculty of Law in Stockholm

18 April, 2023|

On 17 April 2023, Professor Dr Birke Häcker was awarded an honorary doctorate at the Faculty of Law in Stockholm. As Birke Häcker is a close and long-standing friend of the SCCL, we are particularly happy about this well-deserved award. The promotion will take place in the City Hall (Stockholms [...]

The EU COM Proposal for a Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive

30 March, 2023|

Corporate governance and business have an important role to play in the green transition and sustainability. There are however serious risks tied to the enforcement of corporate governance standards that are not carefully crafted, such as parts of the COM:s proposal for a Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive. There [...]

How populism is undermining accountability in corporate governance

7 March, 2023|

Populist trends in corporate governance are undermining the quality of public policy, the legitimacy of democratic institutions and the functioning of our market economies. Rather than loading companies with unrealistic public responsibilities, we need to establish a fair and functional division of powers and responsibilities between politics and business. Business [...]

Lundbergföretagen initiates collaboration with the Swedish Corporate Governance Institute at Stockholm University

14 February, 2023|

Lundbergföretagen has started a ten-year collaboration with the Swedish Corporate Governance Institute (SCGI) at Stockholm University with the aim of establishing SCGI as a world-leading research institute for corporate governance. The institute shall conduct applied research and education in the field of corporate governance from a legal and economic perspective. [...]

The Swedish Securities Market, through an affiliated foundation, has granted funds to SCCL for research into the Swedish market for corporate bonds

27 June, 2022|

SCCL will use the grant of SEK 1 million to start a long-term project involving several researchers and other stakeholders over time. Initially, partial studies are intended to be carried out around Swedish market regulation of corporate bonds. Other issues that may be addressed are self-regulation versus statutory [...]

Swedish Corporate Governance Institute, new part of the SCCL

8 June, 2022|

The Stockholm Centre for Commercial Law (SCCL) is pleased to announce that the Swedish Corporate Governance Institute has been established as a new part of the SCCL, and will function as a research panel for corporate governance. The institute will conduct applied corporate governance research and knowledge exchange from [...]

Stockholm Arbitration Yearbook 2021 is published

27 January, 2022|

The third annual edition of the Stockholm Arbitration Yearbook offers interesting reading on current arbitration law, procedure and practice, as well as commentary on Swedish arbitration-related court decisions. Building on Stockholm’s role as a hub for international commercial and investment arbitration, the Yearbook addresses issues that are of interest [...]

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