SCCL´s Library

has on its own premises an extensive library which began with a donation by the late Professor Jan Hellner and with the acquisition of the library of the Institute of Company and Securities Law, whose activities are being continued by SCCL. Since then the library has been augmented through a variety of large donations, e.g. by Professor Lars Gorton and Professor Henrik Edelstam. The Foundation “Institutet för företagsjuridik” has made donations to the library as well.

The library receives ongoing donations from Jure Förlag AB of newly published Swedish legal writings. It now holds about 5,500 titles, and SCCL intends to successively expand the library, which will be accessible to researchers in the field of commercial law.

Doctoral Candidate Fredrik Sandberg is in charge of SCCL’s library.

SCCL´s Publication Series

In addition to the arrangement of seminars and conferences, publication of the research produced is a vital component of SCCL’s activities. A project plan for SCCL’s publishing activities was therefore drawn up in association with Professor Peter Wahlgren, resulting in a separate Publication series.

Large numbers of articles and research reports are published individually every year by the researchers affiliated to SCCL and by lecturers at major seminars and conferences. SCCL therefore maintains publications of two kinds, issued in its series, namely its Yearbook and digests of papers for specific conferences. The lectures given at Council meetings have, however, been published in Juridisk Tidskrift (JT).

  1.  Tvångsinlösen av minoritetsaktier – kommer den nya aktiebolagslagen att lösa problemen? (2003)
  2.  Nyemissioner av aktier – de lege lata och de lege ferenda (2004)
  3.  En svensk kod för bolagsstyrning – Vad är det för något och vad innebär den? (2005)
  4.  Intressekonflikter och finansiella marknader (2006)
  5.  Commercial Law Challenges in the 21st Century – Jan Hellner in memoriam (2007)
  6.  Redovisning och juridik (2008)
  7.  Aktiebolagens minoritetsskydd (2008)
  8.  Stockholm Centre for Commercial Law Årsbok I (2008)
  9.  Finansiella kriser – betalningssystem och skuldförhållanden (2009)
  10.  Aktieägares rättigheter (2009)
  11.  CISG Part II Conference (2009)
  12.  Marknadsmissbrukslagen i praktiken (2010)
  13.  Stockholm Centre for Commercial Law Årsbok II (2010)
  14.  A Common Frame of Reference for European Contract Law (2011)
  15.  Stockholm Centre for Commercial Law Årsbok III (2011)
  16.  Money Laundering (2012)
  17.  Hyresgästs skadeståndsansvar (2012)
  18.  Stockholm Centre for Commercial Law Årsbok IV (2012)
  19.  Perspectives on Credit Rating Agencies (2013)
  20.  Stockholm Centre for Commercial Law Årsbok V (2013)
  21.  Bolagsstämma (2014)
  22.  Functional or dysfunctional – the law as a cure? (2014)
  23.  Stockholm Centre for Commercial Law Årsbok VI (2015)
  24.  Skälig hyra – en studie av brukvärdesystemet (2015)
  25.  Miljöfarliga sjötransporter – internationella skadeståndsregler (2015)
  26.  Stockholm Centre for Commercial Law Årsbok VII (2016)
  27.  Festskrift till Lars Pehrson (2016)
  28.  Stockholm Centre for Commercial Law Årsbok VIII (2017)
  29.  Nordiska förmögenhetsrättsdagarna (2018)
  30.  Stockholm Centre for Commercial Law Årsbok IX (2018)
  31. Festskrift till Stefan Lindskog (2018)
  32. Festskrift till Göran Millqvist (2019)
  33. Stockholm Centre for Commercial Law Årsbok X (2019)
  34. Bostadsrätten i initial- och övergångsskeden (2019)
  35. Pragmatism v. principfasthet i nordisk förmögenhetsrätt (2019)
  36. The Future of Arbitration in Europe (2020)
  37. Stockholm Centre for Commercial Law Årsbok XI (2020)
  38. Stockholm Centre for Commercial Law Årsbok XII (2021)
  39. Festskrift till Jan Kleineman (2021)
  40. Stockholm Centre for Commercial Law Årsbok XIII (2022)