National and
Nordic co-operation
SCCL collaborates with national and Nordic research centres in law and economics such as The Centre for Business Law at Lund University (ACLU), the Swedish Institute for Financial Research (SIFR), at the Stockholm School of Economics, the Oslo Centre for Commercial Law (OSKR), the Forum for Company Law and Financial Market Law (FOCOFIMA) and the Centre for Private Governance (CEPRI) at the University of Copenhagen, and also the Faculty of Law at the University of Southern Denmark.
In 2010, SCCL initiated a collaboration with the Ministry of Finance, Sveriges Riksbank, the Swedish National Debt Office and the Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority, through the Research Panel for Financial Market Law. The purpose of the cooperation agreement is to hold joint seminars, allow representatives of government agencies to be included in reference groups for doctoral projects and enable researchers at SCCL to participate in or lead public investigations. The ambition is to keep the agreement alive, for example by having representatives from the four agencies on the Research Panel’s board.
European Law Institute
SCCL has also, on initiative of its former Chairman, Johan Gernandt, been instrumental in helping to set up, in 2011, a European law forum for co-operation between leading European institutions of jurisprudential research. The purpose of such a forum, the European Law Institute, is to promote transboundary contacts between academics and practitioners, above all in the field of property law.
During the years a main concern for SCCL has been to expand its international co-operation. For example, SCCL inaugurated in 2011 a co-operation with the University of Oxford and Christ Church College, which among other things has made it possible for Swedish researchers to join the Faculty of Law at Oxford University through the Stockholm Centre Oxford Fellowship and spend a whole academic year there doing research. The Scholarship is part of the ongoing co-operation between SCCL and The Institute of European and Comparative Law at the University of Oxford.
SCCL, together with the University of Oxford and the Institute of European and Comparative Law (IECL), organizes every second year an international conference in Oxford on commercial law, the Stockholm Oxford Law Symposium.
Also, SCCL, in cooperation with the Faculty of Law at University of Oxford, organizes every second year an international conference in Stockholm on arbitration and other dispute resolution, Global Trends in Arbitration.
The collaboration with Oxford University is led by The Oxford Committee, chaired by Professor Laura Carlson, and the Research Panel for Arbitration and other forms of dispute resolution, chaired by Solicitor advocate James Hope and Adjunct professor Johnny Herre.
The Stockholm Centre Oxford Fellowship
In 2011, SCCL started a collaboration with the University of Oxford and Christ Church College, which i.a. means that a Swedish researcher within the framework of The Stockholm Center Oxford Fellowship gets the opportunity to do research at the University of Oxford as an employee for an entire academic year. The research position in Oxford has been funded by the Council of Justice Edvard Cassel’s foundation, the Rector at Stockholm University, the Faculty Courses Foundation and law and auditing firms.
Fellowship Scholars:
2012/2013 | Gustaf Sjöberg |
2013/2014 | David Langlet |
2014/2015 | Laura Carlson |
2015/2016 | Jaan Paju |
2016/2017 | Elisabeth Ahlinder |
2017/2018 | Jessica Östberg |
2018/2019 | Mark Klamberg |
2019/2020 | Cyril Holm |
2020/2021 | Marios Iacovides |
2022/2023 | Nikola Hajdin |
2023/2024 | Branka Marusic |