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Hittills har GD skapat 53 blogginlägg för.

The EU COM Proposal for a Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive

2023-04-12T23:05:33+02:0030 mars, 2023|

Corporate governance and business have an important role to play in the green transition and sustainability. There are however serious risks tied to the enforcement of corporate governance standards that are not carefully crafted, such as parts of the COM:s proposal for a Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive. There was a discussion on whether certain provisions, particularly the corporate governance related provisions (article 15.3, 25 and 26) would be counterproductive from a sustainability perspective, as well as damaging businesses and their access to capital. It is now agreed that these will be deleted, but whether there will be an [...]

How populism is undermining accountability in corporate governance

2023-04-12T23:05:49+02:007 mars, 2023|

Populist trends in corporate governance are undermining the quality of public policy, the legitimacy of democratic institutions and the functioning of our market economies. Rather than loading companies with unrealistic public responsibilities, we need to establish a fair and functional division of powers and responsibilities between politics and business. Business cannot be given the franchise to solve societal problems, such as increased inequality or environmental standards. And politicians should not be given an excuse to avoid tackling those same problems by referring to some vague concept of stakeholder capitalism. Keynote address held by SCGI Director Mats Isaksson at the International [...]

Lundbergföretagen initierar samarbete med Swedish Corporate Governance Institute vid Stockholms universitet

2023-02-16T11:27:23+01:0014 februari, 2023|

Lundbergföretagen har inlett ett tioårigt samarbete med Swedish Corporate Governance Institute (SCGI) vid Stockholms universitet i syfte att etablera SCGI som ett världsledande forskningsinstitut för bolagsstyrning. Institutet ska bedriva tillämpad forskning och utbildning inom bolagsstyrningsområdet i ett juridiskt och ekonomiskt perspektiv. Fokus kommer att vara på aktuella frågor för svenska börsbolag och aktiemarknaden, och den svenska modellen för bolagsstyrning. Institutet samarbetar med ett omfattande svenskt och internationellt nätverk av akademiker och praktiker. Institutet ska även främja återväxten av jurister och ekonomer med kunskap om den svenska modellen för bolagsstyrning, samt fungera som en plattform för ökat samarbete mellan praktik och [...]

The EU COM Proposal for a Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive

2022-11-04T11:34:42+01:0027 oktober, 2022|

Speech by director Rolf Skog given on 27 Oct 2022 at the conference Nuevas Obligaciones de los Administradores de las Sociedades de Capital, organized by Ilustre Colegio Notarial de Madrid. Corporate governance and business have an important role to play in the green transition and sustainability. There are however serious risks tied to the enforcement of corporate governance standards that are not carefully crafted, such as parts of the COM:s proposal for a Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive, which might prove to be counterproductive from a sustainability perspective, as well as damaging businesses and their access to capital. Read the [...]

The Swedish Corporate Bond Market and Bondholder Rights

2022-11-04T11:19:31+01:0014 oktober, 2022|

During the last year, the SCGI, together with the OECD, has conducted a research project regarding the Swedish corporate bond market. On the SCGI:s side, the project is headed by director Erik Lidman. On October 14th, the first report from this project was launched at a seminar with Carmine Di Noia, Director, OECD Directorate for Financial and Enterprise Affairs, and Henrik Braconier, Chief Economist as speakers. The seminar was moderated by directors Rolf Skog and Professor Erik Lidman.The report   provides a detailed account of the Swedish corporate bond market. Based on original data, it offers an overview of how [...]

How should we think about corporate governance regulation?

2022-11-04T10:59:20+01:0011 oktober, 2022|

When shaping tomorrow's corporate governance regulations, we should rely on two basic principles. First to encourage pluralism and flexibility between companies, countries and over time. Second, regulatory incentives should focus on facilitating the supply and use of equity capital.Speech held by SCGI Director Mats Isaksson* at the Corporate Governance BoardAnnual Conference on October 11, 2022. Read the entire speech in pdf

Global Trends in Arbitration 2022: Conference Report

2023-02-20T15:14:46+01:0031 augusti, 2022|

Dr Crina Baltag The 3rd joint biennial conference organized by the Stockholm Centre for Commercial Law (SCCL) and Oxford Institute of European and Comparative Law (IECL) took place on 2-3 June 2022 in Stockholm. This edition of the Conference set to highlight the latest developments and trends in international commercial arbitration in light of the experiences gained during the pandemic, as well as to look at the future of investment treaty arbitration in Europe. The Conference kicked off with the welcome addresses by André Andersson, Senior Adviser at Mannheimer Swartling and Chair of the SCCL; Ciara Kennefick, Associate Professor [...]

Professor emeritus Ulf Bernitz in memoriam

2023-02-20T15:15:26+01:0015 augusti, 2022|

Foto: Staffan Westerlund Läs: Minnesord Stockholm Read: Minnesord Oxford Professor emeritus Ulf Bernitz har den 23 juli 2022 avlidit efter en kort tids sjukdom. Ulf blev 86 år och var aktiv som akademiker ända in i det sista, bland annat som ledare för Forskningsavdelningen för Europarätt vid SCCL. Ulf etablerade redan 2001 ett samarbete mellan de juridiska fakulteterna i Stockholm och Oxford, vilket sedermera utvecklats till den omfattande samverkan som idag sker inom ramen för SCCL. Fram till sin död var han också en aktiv medlem av The Institute of European and Comparative Law i Oxford. Se vidare [...]

Svensk Värdepappersmarknad har genom en anknuten stiftelse beviljat medel till SCCL för forskning kring den svenska marknaden för företagsobligationer

2023-02-20T15:15:37+01:0027 juni, 2022|

SCCL kommer att använda anslaget om 1 miljon kronor för att inleda ett långsiktigt projekt som involverar flera forskare och andra berörda över tid. Inledningsvis avses delstudier genomföras kring svensk marknadsreglering av företagsobligationer. Övriga frågor som kan komma att behandlas är självreglering kontra lagreglering, för- och nackdelar med olika regleringsmodeller, principer för övervakning av berörda marknader, frågor om transparens, samt innebörden av principen om likabehandling på dessa marknader. Avsikten är att forskningen ska diskuteras och presenteras vid en serie seminarier och en konferens, samt innefatta artiklar och andra skrifter kring relevanta frågor.

Swedish Corporate Governance Institute, new part of the SCCL

2023-02-20T15:15:48+01:008 juni, 2022|

The Stockholm Centre for Commercial Law (SCCL) is pleased to announce that the Swedish Corporate Governance Institute has been established as a new part of the SCCL, and will function as a research panel for corporate governance. The institute will conduct applied corporate governance research and knowledge exchange from a law and economics perspective on how the regulatory framework and market practices affects business dynamics, ownership, entrepreneurship, innovation and investments in the real economy. The work will be focused on topical legal and regulatory issues as well as legal and market practices relevant for Swedish business, companies and the stock [...]

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